Mobile Application Development

Mobile app development is serious business. It takes time and patience to create something that works for you and is free of bugs and other issues. Updates are required, but it’s important to start with a sound foundation. At Digital Smart, we believe in a thorough approach that provides our clients with as much engagement as they request. While our entire team will be developing your app, we will assign a project lead who will be your main point of contact.


We divide your Mobile Application Development Process as per below stages

  • 1. Research and outreach
  • 2. Framework
  • 3. Development
  • 4. Testing and Launch

A large part of the work Digital Smart does is behind the scenes. There will be times when we don’t communicate with you for weeks, but that’s only because we’re intimately involved in the development phase. However, before any of that begins, we need to make a checklist of everything you want in your new mobile app. We will gather information about your company and how it works. We will figure out who your customers are and how we can attract more through your new app. Audience engagement, research, and branding are key in app development, and we will conduct focus groups to find out why people choose

Like a website, an app needs a sitemap and wireframes. Think of this as the structural integrity of a skyscraper. You will have an important role in the design process, as it’s important that you are getting what you want. Plus, it’s better to work out issues in this stage than later down the road. Here are some highlights of this process:

We’ve come a long way at this point. You’ve put in a lot of work, so now you can step aside and let us do the rest. This part of the process is laborious and time-consuming, so don’t expect to hear from us much. But that’s a good thing, as we’ve worked out all the kinks and come to an understanding about everything that will go into your new app. Once development is complete, you will be back in the fold for the testing trials.

We’re almost there. Your new mobile app is built and ready to launch. But before that happens, Digital Smart and you need to collaborate on a marketing strategy. After all, just because you invested all this time and money into your new app, it doesn’t mean anyone will know it exists unless we tell them.